Arouse, ye men of brain and brawn,
Unnumbered hosts that toil;
Assert your manhood,
break your chains:
Reclaim your own fair soil!
Too long beneath
oppression's lash
Ye've slaved for robber knaves;
And gave your all to
Church and State,
Contented to be slaves.
The day had come, your
night is done,
If you but act as men.
Be bold, be brave - the
world is yours,
March on and take it, then!
But no, you hesitate - and why?
Oh slaves! Why fear to die?
On! Do and dare! Be
brave! Be free!
A day is come, a light
hath dawned,
A tide in man's affairs;
A star like that of
And a glorious hope it bears:
Let man be FREE! The
message rings,
And an echo answers back:
Uncrown all kings,
unrobe all priests,
And clothe the unclothed back!
Then stand up, men, and
demand your dues,
And fear not the tyrants' frown,
And do not bow at the
shrine of his law,
Or reverence his legal gown.
But strike - if you would be free,
Oh slaves - if you would be free!
On! Do and dare! Be
brave! Be FREE!
Ross Winn
(Picture: The origins of freedom are in courage, Hassan Massoudy)
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