Los verdugos suelen ser católicos
creen en la santísima trinidad
y martirizan al prójimo como un medio
de combatir el anticristo
pero cuando mueren no van al cielo
porque allí no aceptan asesinos
sus víctimas en cambio son mártires
y hasta podrían ser ángeles o santos
prefieren ser deshechos antes que traicionar
pero tampoco van al
porque no creen que el cielo exista
Mario Benedetti
Our torturers are generally catholic
they believe in the holy trinity
and martyr their fellow creatures as a means
of combating the antichrist
but when they die they don't go to heaven
because murderers aren't allowed there
their victims on the other hand are martyrs
and might even be angels or saints
they'd rather be butchered than be traitors
but they dont go to heaven either
because to them there's no such thing
translated by Louise B. Popkin
(Picture: The Black Torches, Odilon Redon)
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