Let men be free!
All violence is but the
Of caged things
fighting blindly for the right
To be and breathe and
burn their little hour.
Bare spirits—not
In smooth-set garments
of philosophy;
But near earth forces,
elemental, crude,
Scarce knowing their
invicible, rude power;
Within the close of
their primeval servitude
Half comatose.
Of so much sun and air
and warmth and food,
And the same right to
procreate and love
As the beasts have and
the birds,
Strike wild—not having
To parry with—at the cold
force above.
Let men be free!
Hate is the price
Of servitude, paid
covertly; and vice
But the unclean recoil
of tortured flesh
Whipped through the
centuries within a mesh
Spun out of priestly
Oh men, arise, be
free!—Who breaks one bar
Of tyranny in this so
bitter star
Has cleansed its bitterness in part.
Lola Ridge
(Picture: Captive, Nicholas Roerich)
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