Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Death's Jest

What if I die? 'Twere little grief!
But one fear wrings my breast—
Perhaps Death too, may play on me
A grim, insulting jest.

I fear that over my cold corpse
Hot tears may fall in showers;
That someone, with a foolish zeal,
May heap my bier with flowers;

Monday, 30 December 2013


Come, bright blue holiday of spring,
With all thy hopes and fears,
And let my peace be broken,
And let my heart know tears!

Come! Spare not this weak spirit!
Wake all that sleeps to-day
In silence, and thy blossoms give
To strew along my way!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

For you are that

O you who are the transcription of God's scripture
And the mirror of his majestic beauty,
Whatever exists in the world is not outside of you
Seek in yourself anything you want, for you are that.

Abul Majd ad-Din Baghdadi 

translated by R. Saberi

(Picture: Untitled (sun face), Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes)

Saturday, 28 December 2013

El Descanso del Guerrero

Los muertos están cada día más indóciles.

Antes era fácil con ellos:
les dábamos un cuello duro una flor
lo ábamos sus nombres en una larga lista:
que los recintos de la patria
que las sombras notables
que el márbol monstruoso.

Friday, 27 December 2013

O guardador de rebanhos IX

Sou um guardador de rebanhos.
O rebanho é os meus pensamentos
E os meus pensamentos são todos sensações.
Penso com os olhos e com os ouvidos
E com as mãos e os pés
E com o nariz e a boca.

Pensar uma flor é vê-la e cheirá-la
E comer um fruto é saber-lhe o sentido.

Thursday, 26 December 2013


No, no! I pray not for eternal sleep,
Nor sadly call on death its peace to give;
One wish alone, with flame unquenchable,
Burns in my soul—it is the wish to live.

The wintry blizzard, with its icy hands,
Thus to break down a living tree doth strive;
But, though it bends to earth with frozen boughs,
It fights and struggles on, that it may live.

G. Galin

translated by Alice Stone Blackwell

(Picture: Pine tree, Eyvind Earle)

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


( Written at the time of the emancipation of the serfs. ) 

O'er thy plains, my native country,
In the years now past away,
Never did I ride with feelings
Such as fill my soul to-day!

In its mother's arms reposing,
Lo! a peasant's child I see,
And my heart is stirred to gladness
By a thought most dear to me.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

La trampa

Qué trampa este crepúsculo
qué calma desplomada sobre todo
qué simulacro inútil
qué sonrojo

en paz siguen las nubes
cómo quisiera en paz
y silenciosas
el aire tiene gracia
por una vez tangible
y nadie está sediento
o por lo menos nadie tan sediento
como para matar
o destrozarse

Monday, 23 December 2013

Wind rising in the alleys

Wind rising in the alleys
My spirit lifts in you like a banner streaming free of hot walls. 
You are full of unspent dreams....
You are laden with beginnings....
There is hope in you... not sweet... acrid as blood in the mouth.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Love's ebb and flow

Believe me not, dear, when in hours of anguish
I say my love for thee exists no more.
At ebb of tide, think not the sea is faithless;
It will return with love unto the shore.

E'en now I pine for thee with old-time passion,
And place my freedom in thy hands once more.
Already, with loud noise, the waves are hasting
Back from afar to the beloved shore.

A. K. Tolstoy 

translated by Alice Stone Blackwell

(Picture: Tide, Fyodor Vasilyev)

Saturday, 21 December 2013


White is the evening nature of my thought
When neutral time that drains the night of green
Flows through the dusk in mimic dawn of white.

So pale the distance where blue morning shone
Knits to the whitest crises of our stars,
Burning the nightly ambience of alone,

Friday, 20 December 2013

Night and Morning

We shall be buried on an eve stifling and close,
'neath cloudy skies;
Lightnings will play, the river roar, the forest
utter moans and sighs.

The night will be a night of storm; mighty in
their stupendous power,
Rain, fire and thunder will burst forth from
those dread clouds that darkly lower.

Thursday, 19 December 2013


The dawn was apple-green,     
The sky was green wine held up in the sun,       
The moon was a golden petal between.

She opened her eyes, and green           
They shone, clear like flowers undone
For the first time, now for the first time seen.

D. H. Lawrence

(Picture: A green thought in a green shade, Helen Frankenthaler)

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

XVI Poema

Las leyes son para que las cumplan
los pobres.
Las leyes son hechas por los ricos
para poner un poco de orden a la explotación.
Los pobres son los únicos cumplidores de leyes de la historia.
Cuando los pobres hagan las leyes
ya no habrá ricos.

Roque Dalton

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Wake up

How long, oh, how long will you suffer in bondage
In slavery still to remain?
How long will you toil to create all the riches
For those who reward you with pain?
How long, oh, how long, will you carry the yoke
Of oppression and sorrow and fear?
Awaken! And see the new day that is dawning
A free song is ringing mighty clear!
Ring out, bells of freedom! Let’s gather together
The suffering slaves in all lands