How long, oh, how long will you suffer in bondage
In slavery still to
How long will you toil
to create all the riches
For those who reward
you with pain?
How long, oh, how long,
will you carry the yoke
Of oppression and
sorrow and fear?
Awaken! And see the new
day that is dawning
A free song is ringing
mighty clear!
Ring out, bells of
freedom! Let’s gather together
The suffering slaves in
all lands
Let’s struggle for life
and for love and for beauty
Created by hard-toiling
Then all things will
live and will love and will bloom
In a free and a
golden-bright May.
No more will we suffer
a miserable doom
Now swear that you’ll
bring forth this day.
David Edelstadt
translated by Ruth Rubin
(Picture: Prisoners marching off, Laszlo Mednyanszky)
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